I'm finding the blog a little overwhelming. I have left things to Anthony to post and he's just as busy, so just as a heads up things are going to be as infrequent as it has been. I hope to add a few more of my rants to the blog to share what I'm learning. It's hard to do when we have little ones who want to eat, be clean and be loved. I want to do all that so I'm attempting to do less.
I have been thinking about dropping some things and adding others for the benefit of the whole home. I think that I will drop one Bible study (maybe), be less focused on my craft hobbies and drop my Jr. Church Co-ordinator position (already done). In their places I am planning on running a seminar to teach more about Paleo to friends and members of the Titanium Crossfit gym in Courtenay in order to learn more about it myself. I am also thinking about selling Watkins for a bit of revenue but mostly for their associate discounts. I also want to focus more on the pre-school homeschool curriculum I have put on the back burner and focus on choosing curriculum for our oldest for the new school year in the fall.
I've been craving spending time with God so much more over the past few months. He is changing the desires of my heart, my oh so stubborn heart.
In the end what I need to keep reminding myself is........this is why I'm doing it. -ov
Very cute family picture!